Today the Discovery Academy went for a run around the Western Heights block it was real tiring. When we started everyone was trying to be first in line and to be the first back. While we were running people were starting to slow down and I was one of them. When Mrs Goldsworthy started saying she would put us on detention I started running again so that I wouldn't be on detention.
When we were getting near to the school people started running again so that they wouldn't be last and I was running as fast as I could so that I wouldn't be the last person and I wasn't. When we all were at school we all rested on the grass and then we had to wait for all the other people to hurry up and get back and then 2 minutes later everyone was there and then we went back to class and then started our speeches again.
When we all finished the block run I wanted to do another but we weren't allowed too. Next time I will try and make it as far as I can without stopping so that I won't be one of the last.
I hope to go back out for a run tomorrow and see if I can run a distance without stopping.
By Reshan